details: 'green the paranoid delusional'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Humanvinamilk (orange | 58 APM | 912 actions | 15:37)
Hero icon 3 Archmage
Ability icon 2 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 1 Blizzard

» actions
Assign group hotkey7
Basic commands14
Build / train81
Enter build submenu26
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue11
Right click353
Select / deselect232
Select group hotkey126
Use ability59
912 total
» units
Goblin Shredder2
Mortar Team2
Flying Machine3
38 total
» upgrades
Fragmentation Shards1
Flak Cannons1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower15
Arcane Tower2
Lumber Mill1
Guard Tower8
Town Hall1
Arcane Vault2
49 total
» build order
00:20 Farm
00:21 Farm
00:26 Farm
00:27 Farm
00:29 Farm
01:36 Barracks
01:40 Altar of Kings
01:51 Scout Tower
02:36 Arcane Tower
02:40 Farm
03:50 Keep
03:51 Keep
04:58 Lumber Mill
05:03 Scout Tower
05:39 Arcane Tower
05:42 Scout Tower
05:43 Scout Tower
06:32 Castle
06:32 Castle
06:34 Guard Tower
06:37 Blacksmith
08:05 Workshop
08:14 Town Hall
08:25 Guard Tower
08:25 Guard Tower
08:39 Scout Tower
08:40 Scout Tower
08:41 Scout Tower
08:47 Workshop
08:48 Workshop
09:18 Guard Tower
09:22 Scout Tower
09:24 Scout Tower
09:27 Farm
09:42 Arcane Vault
09:47 Arcane Vault
10:11 Scout Tower
10:12 Scout Tower
10:12 Scout Tower
11:06 Guard Tower
11:11 Scout Tower
11:11 Scout Tower
11:12 Scout Tower
11:26 Farm
11:27 Farm
11:28 Farm
11:40 Guard Tower
11:40 Guard Tower
11:40 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Town Portal2
Ivory Tower4
6 total
Random» NightElfOprah4Jail2020 (teal | 67 APM | 1014 actions | 15:09)
Hero icon 3 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 2 Mana Burn
Ability icon 1 Evasion
Hero icon 1 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 1 Entangling Roots
Hero icon 1 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 1 Searing Arrows

» actions
Assign group hotkey12
Basic commands113
Build / train44
ESC pressed3
Enter build submenu23
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Right click274
Select / deselect294
Select group hotkey164
Use ability82
1014 total
» units
26 total
» upgrades
Improved Bows1
Strength of the Wild1
Reinforced Hides1
Well Spring1
4 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders1
Moon Well5
Ancient of War1
Tree of Ages2
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Life3
Ancient Protector2
Tree of Eternity2
Ancient of Wind2
Chimaera Roost2
Ancient of Wonders1
22 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Elders
00:18 Moon Well
00:48 Ancient of War
01:21 Moon Well
02:37 Tree of Ages
02:37 Tree of Ages
03:08 Hunter's Hall
03:52 Moon Well
05:48 Tree of Life
06:27 Ancient Protector
07:45 Tree of Eternity
07:45 Tree of Eternity
08:32 Ancient of Wind
08:45 Moon Well
10:09 Chimaera Roost
10:11 Chimaera Roost
11:04 Tree of Life
12:12 Ancient of Wonders
12:14 Ancient Protector
13:43 Tree of Life
13:58 Ancient of Wind
14:01 Moon Well
Humanhumblerebbats (red | 96 APM | 3130 actions | 32:42)
Hero icon 6 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport

» actions
Assign group hotkey100
Basic commands80
Build / train181
ESC pressed31
Enter build submenu99
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue1
Right click970
Select / deselect530
Select group hotkey837
Use ability294
3130 total
» units
Goblin Shredder1
Goblin Zeppelin2
Dragonhawk Rider3
Gryphon Rider3
Mortar Team3
Siege Engine1
32 total
» upgrades
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
Fragmentation Shards1
22 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault3
Scout Tower68
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Tower4
Gryphon Aviary2
Town Hall2
Guard Tower73
Moon Well1
175 total
» build order
00:58 Altar of Kings
01:01 Barracks
01:04 Farm
01:06 Farm
01:14 Farm
02:06 Arcane Vault
02:24 Arcane Vault
02:58 Farm
03:54 Keep
03:54 Keep
04:57 Farm
05:03 Farm
05:33 Blacksmith
05:56 Scout Tower
05:58 Scout Tower
06:02 Lumber Mill
06:27 Arcane Tower
06:28 Arcane Tower
06:28 Arcane Tower
06:29 Arcane Tower
06:36 Castle
07:09 Gryphon Aviary
07:12 Gryphon Aviary
07:20 Farm
08:59 Scout Tower
09:00 Scout Tower
09:01 Scout Tower
09:01 Scout Tower
09:17 Town Hall
10:19 Scout Tower
10:20 Scout Tower
10:21 Scout Tower
10:21 Scout Tower
10:23 Scout Tower
10:46 Guard Tower
10:46 Guard Tower
10:46 Guard Tower
10:47 Guard Tower
10:54 Guard Tower
10:54 Guard Tower
11:20 Town Hall
11:27 Scout Tower
11:55 Scout Tower
11:58 Guard Tower
11:58 Guard Tower
12:27 Guard Tower
12:27 Guard Tower
12:27 Guard Tower
13:20 Scout Tower
13:20 Scout Tower
13:21 Scout Tower
13:57 Guard Tower
13:57 Guard Tower
13:58 Guard Tower
13:58 Guard Tower
13:58 Guard Tower
13:59 Guard Tower
13:59 Guard Tower
14:01 Scout Tower
14:02 Scout Tower
14:02 Scout Tower
14:34 Guard Tower
14:34 Guard Tower
14:35 Guard Tower
14:35 Guard Tower
14:37 Guard Tower
14:37 Guard Tower
15:56 Scout Tower
15:57 Scout Tower
15:57 Scout Tower
16:03 Scout Tower
16:03 Scout Tower
16:04 Scout Tower
16:34 Guard Tower
16:34 Guard Tower
16:37 Guard Tower
16:38 Guard Tower
16:58 Guard Tower
16:58 Guard Tower
17:16 Guard Tower
17:16 Guard Tower
17:16 Guard Tower
17:17 Scout Tower
17:18 Scout Tower
17:19 Scout Tower
17:20 Scout Tower
17:23 Scout Tower
17:36 Keep
17:36 Keep
17:37 Scout Tower
17:37 Scout Tower
17:40 Scout Tower
17:47 Guard Tower
17:47 Guard Tower
17:47 Guard Tower
17:48 Guard Tower
17:48 Guard Tower
17:49 Guard Tower
17:49 Guard Tower
17:49 Guard Tower
17:49 Guard Tower
17:49 Guard Tower
17:52 Guard Tower
17:52 Guard Tower
17:57 Scout Tower
17:57 Scout Tower
17:58 Scout Tower
18:00 Scout Tower
18:02 Scout Tower
18:02 Scout Tower
18:04 Scout Tower
18:05 Scout Tower
18:06 Scout Tower
18:15 Guard Tower
18:15 Guard Tower
18:16 Scout Tower
18:24 Guard Tower
18:24 Guard Tower
18:24 Guard Tower
18:24 Guard Tower
18:24 Guard Tower
18:25 Guard Tower
18:25 Guard Tower
18:25 Guard Tower
19:27 Guard Tower
19:28 Guard Tower
19:43 Workshop
19:43 Workshop
19:50 Scout Tower
19:51 Scout Tower
19:52 Scout Tower
20:04 Scout Tower
20:05 Scout Tower
20:05 Scout Tower
20:06 Scout Tower
20:06 Scout Tower
20:07 Scout Tower
20:08 Scout Tower
20:09 Scout Tower
20:23 Guard Tower
20:23 Guard Tower
20:34 Guard Tower
20:34 Guard Tower
20:38 Barracks
20:41 Farm
20:44 Scout Tower
20:46 Scout Tower
21:02 Arcane Vault
21:10 Scout Tower
21:18 Guard Tower
21:18 Guard Tower
21:29 Farm
21:36 Farm
23:33 Guard Tower
23:33 Guard Tower
23:56 Scout Tower
23:56 Scout Tower
23:57 Scout Tower
24:00 Scout Tower
24:01 Scout Tower
24:31 Guard Tower
24:31 Guard Tower
24:41 Guard Tower
24:42 Guard Tower
24:54 Scout Tower
24:55 Scout Tower
24:57 Scout Tower
24:59 Scout Tower
25:05 Scout Tower
25:07 Scout Tower
25:16 Moon Well
25:51 Guard Tower
25:51 Guard Tower
26:05 Guard Tower
26:05 Guard Tower
» items
Mechanical Critter3
Scroll of Regeneration4
Potion of Healing2
Scroll of Town Portal1
Staff of Sanctuary1
11 total
Random» HumanTheDylz (yellow | 46 APM | 912 actions | 19:39)
Hero icon 2 Blood Mage
Ability icon 1 Flame Strike
Ability icon 1 Siphon Mana

» actions
Assign group hotkey23
Basic commands27
Build / train64
Enter build submenu35
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Remove unit from queue1
Right click303
Select / deselect182
Select group hotkey224
Use ability51
912 total
» units
Flying Machine9
Mortar Team3
Siege Engine6
40 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting1
Flak Cannons1
Flying Machine Bombs1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Vault1
Scout Tower8
Guard Tower4
40 total
» build order
00:20 Farm
00:25 Farm
00:37 Altar of Kings
01:10 Barracks
01:40 Farm
02:14 Lumber Mill
02:21 Arcane Vault
02:36 Farm
02:40 Farm
03:28 Keep
04:41 Farm
04:46 Farm
04:50 Farm
04:52 Farm
05:04 Blacksmith
05:47 Scout Tower
05:49 Scout Tower
05:52 Scout Tower
06:38 Workshop
06:46 Workshop
07:11 Scout Tower
07:32 Guard Tower
07:44 Scout Tower
07:51 Farm
07:53 Farm
08:19 Workshop
08:23 Guard Tower
09:02 Scout Tower
09:28 Farm
09:30 Guard Tower
10:08 Workshop
10:21 Scout Tower
10:24 Scout Tower
10:27 Farm
10:28 Farm
10:30 Farm
11:54 Guard Tower
12:01 Castle
12:18 Farm
12:20 Farm
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Potion of Healing1
Potion of Mana1
Scroll of Town Portal2
6 total
team 2
Random» OrcSea_of_Flamex (green | 49 APM | 1574 actions | 32:02)
Hero icon 5 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 2 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 1 Endurance Aura
Ability icon 1 Shockwave

» actions
Basic commands1
Build / train62
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Remove unit from queue1
Right click931
Select / deselect477
Use ability74
1574 total
» units
Wind Rider2
Troll Witch Doctor3
35 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons1
Shaman Training2
Melee Weapons2
Witch Doctor Training2
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow6
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Spirit Lodge1
Great Hall4
20 total
» build order
00:22 Altar of Storms
00:25 Orc Burrow
01:28 Voodoo Lounge
01:58 Stronghold
02:15 War Mill
02:19 Orc Burrow
03:18 Orc Burrow
04:21 Beastiary
04:24 Beastiary
04:27 Beastiary
04:29 Beastiary
05:58 Spirit Lodge
09:31 Orc Burrow
09:34 Fortress
14:43 Great Hall
24:25 Orc Burrow
24:28 Orc Burrow
24:37 Great Hall
24:42 Great Hall
27:22 Great Hall
» items
Healing Salve2
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Scroll of Town Portal1
Orb of Lightning1
6 total
Undeadokok (pink | 88 APM | 2830 actions | 32:05)
Hero icon 5 Death Knight
Ability icon 3 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Death Pact
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 3 Lich
Ability icon 2 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Frost Armor

» actions
Assign group hotkey48
Basic commands19
Build / train89
ESC pressed5
Enter build submenu41
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Give item / drop item7
Right click796
Select / deselect465
Select group hotkey1224
Use ability127
2830 total
» units
Crypt Fiend7
Obsidian Statue2
Frost Wyrm2
35 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack2
Ghoul Frenzy1
Destroyer Form1
Freezing Breath1
Creature Carapace1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower2
Halls of the Dead3
Spirit Tower7
Sacrificial Pit1
Black Citadel1
41 total
» build order
00:11 Altar of Darkness
00:18 Ziggurat
00:32 Crypt
00:59 Graveyard
01:02 Graveyard
01:11 Tomb of Relics
01:26 Ziggurat
01:28 Ziggurat
01:59 Nerubian Tower
03:21 Halls of the Dead
04:02 Ziggurat
05:14 Necropolis
06:08 Halls of the Dead
06:08 Halls of the Dead
07:22 Ziggurat
07:24 Ziggurat
07:53 Necropolis
08:24 Ziggurat
08:24 Ziggurat
08:30 Ziggurat
08:45 Ziggurat
09:00 Ziggurat
09:15 Spirit Tower
09:15 Spirit Tower
09:24 Spirit Tower
09:24 Spirit Tower
09:38 Spirit Tower
09:38 Spirit Tower
10:06 Ziggurat
10:08 Nerubian Tower
11:43 Crypt
11:45 Slaughterhouse
11:46 Sacrificial Pit
11:49 Black Citadel
14:54 Boneyard
14:59 Boneyard
19:19 Ziggurat
19:48 Spirit Tower
23:22 Ziggurat
23:28 Ziggurat
30:24 Necropolis
» items
Rod of Necromancy3
Dust of Appearance1
Scroll of Regeneration2
Lesser Clarity Potion2
Scroll of Town Portal5
Potion of Healing4
Potion of Mana1
Orb of Corruption3
21 total
HumanCimmerian (purple | 56 APM | 1842 actions | 32:44)
Hero icon 6 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 2 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport

» actions
Assign group hotkey41
Basic commands217
Build / train72
Enter build submenu53
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item3
Right click553
Select / deselect402
Select group hotkey324
Use ability171
1842 total
» units
Goblin Shredder2
Gryphon Rider5
Goblin Sapper3
26 total
» upgrades
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
Fragmentation Shards1
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill2
Scout Tower38
Arcane Vault3
Arcane Tower1
Town Hall2
Guard Tower7
Gryphon Aviary4
76 total
» build order
00:47 Altar of Kings
00:50 Barracks
00:52 Farm
00:53 Farm
01:04 Farm
01:44 Farm
03:32 Keep
04:04 Farm
04:35 Lumber Mill
04:36 Scout Tower
04:42 Arcane Vault
04:49 Blacksmith
04:50 Blacksmith
05:11 Arcane Tower
05:15 Farm
06:06 Castle
06:44 Town Hall
06:46 Scout Tower
06:46 Scout Tower
07:11 Scout Tower
07:14 Scout Tower
07:52 Guard Tower
08:40 Gryphon Aviary
08:40 Gryphon Aviary
08:41 Gryphon Aviary
08:42 Gryphon Aviary
11:35 Lumber Mill
13:28 Scout Tower
13:28 Scout Tower
13:29 Scout Tower
13:30 Scout Tower
13:31 Scout Tower
13:32 Scout Tower
13:33 Scout Tower
13:33 Scout Tower
13:34 Scout Tower
13:35 Scout Tower
13:36 Scout Tower
13:36 Scout Tower
13:37 Scout Tower
13:37 Scout Tower
13:38 Scout Tower
13:40 Scout Tower
13:40 Scout Tower
13:43 Scout Tower
13:43 Scout Tower
14:00 Guard Tower
14:02 Scout Tower
14:03 Scout Tower
14:04 Scout Tower
14:07 Scout Tower
14:09 Scout Tower
14:13 Scout Tower
14:31 Workshop
14:37 Workshop
14:40 Guard Tower
15:52 Guard Tower
16:30 Farm
16:34 Farm
16:49 Farm
16:50 Farm
16:53 Farm
18:11 Guard Tower
19:11 Guard Tower
21:19 Arcane Vault
21:20 Arcane Vault
23:51 Town Hall
23:54 Scout Tower
23:55 Scout Tower
23:55 Scout Tower
23:55 Scout Tower
23:57 Scout Tower
23:58 Scout Tower
23:59 Scout Tower
23:59 Scout Tower
25:05 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration3
Scroll of Town Portal3
Staff of Sanctuary1
Orb of Corruption1
Scroll of Healing1
Potion of Healing2
11 total
Random» HumanMoonscythe (blue | 58 APM | 1688 actions | 29:06)
Hero icon 2 Blood Mage
Ability icon 1 Flame Strike
Ability icon 1 Siphon Mana
Hero icon 1 Paladin
Ability icon 1 Holy Light

» actions
Assign group hotkey17
Basic commands35
Build / train64
Enter build submenu25
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click976
Select / deselect473
Select group hotkey52
Use ability42
1688 total
» units
Siege Engine15
36 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
9 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Tower1
Arcane Vault1
Guard Tower3
28 total
» build order
00:45 Altar of Kings
00:54 Farm
01:31 Farm
01:52 Blacksmith
02:21 Scout Tower
02:30 Lumber Mill
02:51 Barracks
02:53 Arcane Tower
03:04 Farm
04:00 Keep
04:00 Keep
04:05 Farm
04:45 Arcane Vault
06:11 Farm
06:23 Castle
06:53 Workshop
10:24 Workshop
10:57 Guard Tower
10:58 Guard Tower
11:12 Guard Tower
13:26 Farm
14:04 Farm
14:42 Farm
14:43 Farm
16:07 Farm
17:24 Farm
18:33 Farm
19:34 Farm
» items
Ivory Tower3
Scroll of Regeneration1
4 total

Chat log

(00:23 / Allies) okok: ...
(00:26 / Allies) Cimmerian: play
(00:39 / Allies) okok: he here

(05:22 / All) humblerebbats: good blood mage harass
(05:29 / All) humblerebbats: creep level 3 first idiot

(11:34 / Allies) Moonscythe: any1 got wood
(12:05 / Allies) Moonscythe: ty

(14:54 / All) Oprah4Jail2020: feed at purp
(15:00 / All) Oprah4Jail2020: want a hero?
(15:04 / All) humblerebbats: Trash allies
(15:22 / All) humblerebbats: Spineless team
(15:24 / All) humblerebbats: fast to give up
(15:38 / All) TheDylz: ya what a bunch of niggerz
(15:42 / All) humblerebbats: yeah
(15:43 / All) TheDylz: lol

(18:54 / All) Moonscythe: get a base
(18:56 / All) Moonscythe: moron
(19:00 / All) humblerebbats: ?
(19:03 / Allies) okok: purp pbsing
(19:09 / All) humblerebbats: have one
(19:16 / All) humblerebbats: tank noob
(19:27 / Allies) Moonscythe: thanks for killing all my units
(19:31 / Allies) Moonscythe: appreciate it

(21:46 / Allies) Moonscythe: purp killing my base
(21:47 / Allies) Moonscythe: nice
(21:56 / Allies) okok: kill him
(22:02 / Allies) Cimmerian: Bring it bitches
(22:09 / Allies) Cimmerian: prepare to get son'd
(22:19 / Allies) Moonscythe: why are you doing this
(22:36 / Allies) Cimmerian: because you smell funny, faggot!
(22:58 / Allies) Moonscythe: nice you feeling good you just turned 12?

(24:50 / Allies) okok: ffs
(24:53 / Allies) okok: fukgni purp
(25:06 / Allies) Moonscythe: quite the loser
(25:12 / All) Cimmerian: I'm on top of the world, ma!
(25:18 / All) humblerebbats: gg noobs
(25:19 / All) humblerebbats: 1v4
(25:57 / All) humblerebbats: I earned this win
(26:21 / All) humblerebbats: nice hall blue

(29:43 / Allies) Sea_of_Flamex: lol they are one and same
(29:45 / Allies) Sea_of_Flamex: player
(29:50 / Allies) okok: i think so
(29:54 / Allies) Sea_of_Flamex: its ok
(29:59 / Allies) Sea_of_Flamex: ive done this to his main acct
(30:10 / Allies) Sea_of_Flamex: he hasnt touched me yet
(30:14 / All) Cimmerian: my allies are conspiracy theorists

(31:16 / All) Cimmerian: green says he's done this to me on my "main account"
(31:24 / Allies) Sea_of_Flamex: hah yep
(31:28 / Allies) Sea_of_Flamex: you lose boy]
(31:33 / All) Cimmerian: what's my "main account"?
(31:41 / All) humblerebbats: someone who doesnt have unupgraded burrows 30 mins into a game
(31:45 / All) humblerebbats: thinks he can kill anyone
(31:47 / All) humblerebbats: in this game
(31:47 / All) humblerebbats: LOL
(31:59 / All) Sea_of_Flamex: lol enjoy your loss
(32:05 / All) humblerebbats: I'm winning
(32:06 / All) humblerebbats: WOOO
(32:08 / All) Cimmerian: lol what
(32:10 / All) humblerebbats: lol
(32:19 / All) humblerebbats: don't care who wins or loses stats I guess
(32:22 / All) Cimmerian: thankfully your team stayed long enough to get me elvel 6
(32:29 / All) humblerebbats: 12-7 teal
(32:32 / All) Cimmerian: so it was smooth after the steamrolling
(32:33 / All) humblerebbats: and he takes his record seriously
(32:38 / All) Cimmerian: who do you want to lose
(32:42 / All) humblerebbats: teal lose